
Stay Fresh


Weekly Schedule

  • Coffee Bar     Mon-Thu, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
  • Coffee Bar     Fri, 7:30 am - 3:00 pm

Coffee Bar

coffee bar

  • reg.2.50
smoother and thicker cold coffee made using a 24-hour toddy method
0 cal.
  • reg.2.00
50 cal.
  • reg.0.75
70 cal.
  • reg.2.00
2 shots of Equator's Tigerwalk espresso (cherry and chocolate notes)
5 cal.
  • reg.3.00
espresso and steamed milk with a light layer of foam
90 cal.
  • reg.2.00
hot water with a floated shot of espresso
5 cal.
  • reg.3.50
housemade chocolate syrup with steamed milk and espresso
150 cal.
  • reg.2.50
balance of velvety foam, steamed milk, and espresso
90 cal.
  • reg.3.50
espresso, steamed milk, caramel, and a light layer of foam
190 cal.
  • reg.2.50
espresso marked with a thin layer of foam
5 cal.
  • reg.2.50
45 cal.
  • reg.3.50
blend of black tea, spices, ginger, and brown sugar, and steamed milk with espresso
180 cal.
  • reg.3.50
with coconut milk, espresso, and hazelnut syrup
480 cal.
  • reg.3.00
70 cal.
  • reg.2.00
an array of hot tea options
0 cal.
  • reg.2.50
matcha powder and hot water
0 cal.
  • reg.2.00
0 cal.
  • reg.3.00
blend of black tea, spices, ginger, and brown sugar, and steamed milk
210 cal.
  • reg.3.50
matcha tea with steamed milk
70 cal.
  • reg.2.00
earl grey tea, steamed dairy or non dairy milk, and vanilla syrup
45 cal.
  • reg.2.50
housemade chocolate syrup and steamed milk
230 cal.
  • reg.4.25
with green apple, spinach, banana and pineapple
200 cal.
  • reg.4.25
470 cal.
  • reg.4.25
seasonal smoothie with banana, sunflower seed butter, warm spices and pecans
310 cal.

coffee specials

  • reg.4.25
460 cal.


  • reg.6.00
from Oy! Brand in Los Gatos
310 cal.
  • reg.2.00
from Oy! Brand bakery in Los Gatos
90 cal.
  • reg.2.00
from Oy! Brand in Los Gatos
100 cal.
  • reg.6.00
from Oy! Brand in Los Gatos
90 cal.
  • reg.2.00
from panorama bakery sf
280 cal.
  • reg.2.00
from panorama bakery sf
400 cal.
  • reg.1.50
from panorama bakery sf
290 cal.
  • reg.1.50
from panorama bakery sf
280 cal.
  • reg.1.50
from panorama bakery sf
80 cal.
  • reg.1.50
from panorama bakery sf
90 cal.
  • reg.1.50
from panorama bakery sf
100 cal.
  • reg.1.50
from panorama bakery sf
90 cal.
  • reg.2.00
from panorama bakery sf
190 cal.
  • reg.3.41
Panorama Baking crafted
310 cal.
  • reg.3.50
Panorama Baking crafted
520 cal.
  • reg.4.46
Panorama Baking crafted
380 cal.

Menu Icon Legend

Eat Right — For You

Do you care about whether your food was grown locally or raised humanely? Or are you more interested in protein vs. carbs?

Whatever your priorities, we can help you chew the right thing. At Bon Appétit, we’re working toward “food service for a sustainable future.” How we define that is a mouthful, but the bottom line is that we strive to cook delicious food that’s good for you, the animals, the workers, the community, and the Earth — because they’re all connected. And we’re proud to be the first food service company to tackle many important issues in these areas.

We’re here to support you by giving the information you need to choose wisely. Visit our Wellness page for a feast of information about the roles our from-scratch cooking, nutritional approach, local sourcing, and other sustainability programs can play on your menu.

Wellness Page

Tell Us What You Think

Common Questions

  • I’ve been trying to eat a healthier diet. Will I be able to find a healthy food choice in my café?
  • Can you tell me how many calories are in the foods in my café?
  • How will you handle my concerns about a food allergy?
See All FAQs
Meet the team